The Clever Way You Should Be Using An Old Headboard In Your Garden

In many instances — regardless of your other décor choices — it's your headboard that sets the tone in the bedroom. Therefore, if you decide to give your sleeping quarters a style makeover, there's a good chance that your old headboard just won't fit in with your new decorative theme. What's a person to do with a discarded furniture item that served them so well? Well, if your headboard is of the metal variety and you happen to be a gardener of any level, you're in luck.

There are several ways to repurpose your old headboard around the house, and in particular, it can serve as a trellis for any climbing plants you plan on adding to your garden or yard this year. All you'll need to pull off the transformation is your headboard, your plants, and some sort of plant or zip ties. Gather your supplies and head on out to the backyard or garden for this quick and easy DIY, and your old headboard will be living a new life before you know it. 

How to turn your old headboard into a garden trellis

It's not difficult to see why metal headboards — the more intricate the better — make excellent garden trellises. Each bar gives a stem of a climbing plant a place to be gently tied so as to aid it in its climb toward the sun. Meanwhile, the collective covering of the headboard design creates a masterpiece available for viewing in your garden. All you need to do is firmly press the legs of your headboard into the ground to anchor the piece and then fasten it to either a wall or a fence to support its weight. Then, simply tie the stems of your plants to the metal bars as they grow.

If this is your first foray into gardening and you're feeling a little overwhelmed about which climbing plants to try, we've got you covered. For those in warmer USDA hardiness zones, consider planting clematis, which will elevate your garden with beautiful flowers. This vine is the happiest in hot, dry climates. If you live in a chillier area, give classic English ivy a try for a sophisticated show of cream flowers and brooding black berries.