Banish Wine Stains On Your Granite Countertops With A Simple DIY Cleaner

Pouring yourself a glass of wine while you wait for your homemade lasagna to bake to perfection is the epitome of bliss. However, your moment of joy won't last long if you accidentally spill wine on your beloved granite countertop, especially the red kind. While wine lovers might want to think twice before installing granite countertops, there are a few ways to salvage the situation. So, before you give into the chants of "no, no, no!" and look horror-stricken at your natural stone countertop, try a simple DIY cleaner consisting of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to banish stubborn wine stains.

Falling into the same damagingly acidic group as vinegar and tomatoes, red wine will easily stain and etch the surface. This can be particularly troublesome if your granite countertop is overdue for a seal. Hence why it's important to take immediate care of the spill rather than holding out hope that it's going to magically disappear. First, grab a clean cloth or paper towel to blot as much of the spill as possible. Be gentle and avoid spreading the wine around or you risk increasing the surface area of the stain. Next, grab all of the ingredients for your DIY cleaner to keep your granite countertop in pristine condition.

Use baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to remove wine stains

Once you have your baking soda and hydrogen peroxide handy, grab a glass or plastic bowl, a tablespoon, a teaspoon, and some plastic wrap. First, add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to the bowl. Follow with 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. While you'll need a bigger batch if the spill is substantial, the ratio of baking soda to hydrogen peroxide will always remain 2:1. Blend the two ingredients well until you get a thick, paste-like consistency. Then, scoop up a generous dollop of the paste and apply it to the stain, ensuring you cover it completely with a substantial layer. Finally, tear off a big enough piece of plastic to completely envelop the stain. 

Leave the wrap undisturbed for 24 hours to let the ingredients work to eliminate the stain. After the time is up, dispose of the plastic wrap, prepare a mild dish soap and water concoction as you would with any other, normal kitchen mess, dip a clean microfiber cloth into the soapy solution, and use it to scrub the affected area. Finally, use a clean cloth to dry the surface and reveal a stain-free countertop.

This DIY cleaner works primarily because baking soda is naturally abrasive and belongs to the alkaline camp. So, when you put it on the acidic red wine stain, it works like a charm to neutralize it. On the other hand, hydrogen peroxide is an excellent oxidizer. It will work in the background to dissolve the discoloration-causing wine particles, effortlessly lifting the stain from your granite countertop.

Other tips to keep your granite countertop in tip-top shape

Although the baking soda and hydrogen peroxide DIY cleaner will help lift the wine stain without harming the surface underneath, you should err on the side of caution and test the paste in an obscure area first. This way, you'll be 100% certain that you can use the cleaner to remove the stain from your natural stone countertop, or whether you should abstain from using it just in case. Additionally, if the cleaner doesn't remove the stain in one go but you do see some improvement, simply apply it again to eliminate it entirely. However, if you don't notice much difference after the first round, it's time to contact a professional and let them take care of your granite countertop. 

Regardless, you should be religious about sealing your countertop once a year. This simple step will prevent pesky spills, like red wine, from penetrating the protective layer and damaging the surface underneath. If you aren't sure about the last time you sealed the counter, undertake a simple test that tells you if it's time to reseal your stone countertop. Simply pour some water into a corner and give it a few minutes. If you notice a slight discoloration, it's time to seal the countertop. Otherwise, you're good to go.