Giselle DaMier

Photo of Giselle DaMier
Paris, France
Luxury Design, Top Décor Trends, Modern Architecture
  • Giselle has published interviews with designers who have received awards on a global scale.
  • She renovated a mid-century modern home, echoing her passion for the era's architecture.
  • She has written marketing copy for internationally recognized design studios.


Giselle DaMier has extensive experience writing for both boutique and large-scale interior design firms. She has penned articles for luxury design companies such as Vesta Home, Tanic Design, and more. She has also written for popular real estate websites like LA Digs and Appear Here. In addition, she has worked as the primary copywriter for major interior marketplaces such as Zia Tile, Elephant Stock, and Spectrum Quartz. With added hands-on experience, she has headed several major residential design projects.


Giselle holds an advanced writing certification from the University of California, Los Angeles.
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Stories By Giselle DaMier