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10 Environmentally Friendly Ways To Get Rid Of Landscaping Waste
Local Programs
Many municipalities make "going green" easier by offering a year-round or seasonal pick-up or drop-off program for yard waste. Check with your town for details.
This method is an approach to mowing your lawn that reuses grass clippings and keeps them out of landfills and from polluting the environment.
To grasscycle, mow your lawn frequently and mow no more than 0.5 to 3 inches at a time, depending on the type. You can use the clippings to fertilize your lawn.
DIY Mulch
Take organic waste like grass clippings, twigs, branches, and leaves and run them through a wood chipper to create your own homemade mulch.
If you don’t have a chipper, you can find one at a home improvement store for between $100 and several hundred dollars. You can also look for rentals in your area.
Store dry twigs and logs outdoors or in a garage (uncovered and above ground) to burn in fire pits, stoves, bonfires, and other wood-burning appliances.
By storing organic products together in a compost bin, their high nitrogen content will cause them to break down quickly, creating an all-natural fertilizer.