10 Environmentally Friendly Ways To Get Rid Of Landscaping Waste
Local Programs
Many municipalities make "going green" easier by offering a year-round or seasonal pick-up or drop-off program for yard waste. Check with your town for details.
To grasscycle, mow your lawn frequently and mow no more than 0.5 to 3 inches at a time, depending on the type. You can use the clippings to fertilize your lawn.
If you don’t have a chipper, you can find one at a home improvement store for between $100 and several hundred dollars. You can also look for rentals in your area.
Store dry twigs and logs outdoors or in a garage (uncovered and above ground) to burn in fire pits, stoves, bonfires, and other wood-burning appliances.
By storing organic products together in a compost bin, their high nitrogen content will cause them to break down quickly, creating an all-natural fertilizer.