Cheerful man using a pressure washer in the backyard
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12 Precautions To Take When Pressure Washing
Your House
This Spring
Clear The Area
During pressure washing, powerful water streams can bounce off certain objects and cause injuries or damage items. Therefore, remove all objects from the area you want to clean.
In addition to keeping inanimate objects away from your pressure washer, also keep children and pets away from the area during the process to avoid accidents.
Wear Protective Clothing
Wearing full safety gear, including goggles, non-slip closed-toe shoes, and protective clothing, can prevent potential injuries from debris or losing control of the nozzle.
Don't wear sandals or open-toed shoes. Instead, consider wearing jeans and rubber gloves to ensure safety and minimize the risk
of accidents.
Read The Manual
Reading the pressure washer manual, even if you are a pro, is crucial for maintaining safety and proper operation, as different models have varying features
and instructions.
Familiarizing yourself with the specific machine helps prevent accidents and injuries and provides a smooth, efficient, and
safe pressure
washing experience.
Test The Pressure Washer
Before pressure washing any surface, conduct a test run on a small area to ensure everything is functioning properly, you feel in control, and you are getting the desired result.
As you gain experience, this step may become a mental check-in rather than a full test and pause sequence, but it remains essential for effective cleaning.
Choose The Right Setting
Start with the lowest pressure setting on your pressure washer so that you're in full control of the device, and increase the power only when you feel ready.
Choose the appropriate pressure setting so that you don't damage the surface or item you're cleaning, and don't create safety hazards during and after cleaning.