Avoid This Dripping Faucet Mistake To Prevent It From Freezing
People often say to leave a faucet dripping on a cold night to prevent your pipes from freezing. However, there are other things to remember when you do this trick.
If water in a hot-water line sits overnight in a relatively unprotected area, it can also freeze. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to tell if both water lines are dripping.
Start by allowing the hot water line to run until it doesn't get any hotter, and then reduce it to a slow drip. Now add cold for a slightly faster, cooler stream.
When considering which faucet to leave dripping, note that using the tap at the farthest point from where your main water line enters the house is advised.
However, if water lines serve that faucet in an interior wall protected by your home's heating system, use a faucet served by plumbing on an exterior wall instead.
While some municipalities advise against dripping, if you have a manifold plumbing system, you should leave all your faucets dripping — research to see what's best for your home.