Large orange terra cotta urn with snake plant against a brick wall
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Before Planting Snake Plants, Consider These 8 Challenges
Watering Issues
Watering a snake plant requires finding the right balance, as overwatering can lead to root rot, while neglect can harm the plant.
Allow the soil to dry before watering again, and water the plants when the top few inches of soil are dry. You may need to check the soil more frequently during the warmer months.
Pot Size And Soil Type
Choosing well-draining soil and an appropriately sized pot is crucial for preventing root rot, fallen leaves, and other serious problems in snake plants.
Although these plants can grow large, it's important to start with a pot just one to two inches larger in diameter than the root ball to avoid excess water retention.
Inconsistent Flowering
Snake plants can produce beautiful white flowers, but it's a rare occurrence and isn't necessarily guaranteed. In fact, even plants that do bloom can take years to
do so.
There is no known trick to encourage flowering, making snake plants a less-than-ideal choice for those seeking colorful blooms.
Temperature Sensitivity
Snake plants prefer moderate temperatures, between 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit. Exposing them to temperatures over 100 degrees for a long period of time can threaten
their health.
Likewise, prolonged exposure to temperatures lower than 60 degrees can slow their growth, while temperatures below 50 can cause harm to the leaves.
Pests And Fungal Threats
Caring for a snake plant involves checking for pests like sap-sucking insects and fungi, such as southern blight and powdery mildew.
Prune affected leaves and adjust the plant's environment to mitigate issues, ensuring optimal sunlight and humidity levels to maintain the plant's health.