Healthy catnip plant
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Catnip Is
The Perfect Addition To Any Garden & Here's Why
You may be surprised to know that catnip isn’t only beneficial to cats. According to, catnip tea has historically been used to treat digestive issues and coughs.
Catnip is known for its calming properties, and it also contains the antioxidants caffeic, rosmarinic, and coumaric acid, so it can give your body a healthy boost.
A member of the mint family, it’s easy to grow as a perennial in zones 3 through 9. It reaches about 3 feet tall, so it’s great for bare spots that need a bit of height.
Catnip reproduces by seed, but if you don't want more catnip, pinch off the flowers before they fade. It doesn’t have impressive blooms, but the flowers attract many pollinators.
The flowers’ tube shape allows pollinators like bees to access the nectar with their sucking mouthparts, but other insects can make holes in the petals to reach the nectar.
When the plant is about 2 feet tall, wash the leaves and bind the ends of the stems with rubber bands. Hang them in a warm, dry place and use the leaves when they crumble easily.
The chemical nepetalactone causes a euphoric feeling in cats when they rub, lick, or chew it. Treat them to catnip to encourage play, and rub it on new scratching posts or beds.