Field of lavender with sunset in background.
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Common Gardening Errors That Will Hinder Your Lavender Harvest
Cutting the woody portions while pruning can damage your lavender plant. You should only cut the green stems, staying about three inches away from the woody portions.
Another thing to avoid is pruning at the wrong time. You should prune lavender just after the flowers have stopped blooming, which is near the end of summer or early fall.
Improper Fertilization
Lavender doesn’t require much fertilizer. Assuming the soil conditions are ideal, you should only fertilize these plants about two times each year.
Make sure you choose the right type of fertilizer for this flower. Opt for a slow-acting, alkaline fertilizer with a low nitrogen count and acidity level.
Using The Wrong Soil
The ideal soil for lavender, whether you’re growing it in your garden or pots, should have a pH between about 6.7 and 7.3. It should also be well-drained.
Improper Watering
If you’ve just planted lavender outside, water it about once every three to seven days. If it's a well-established plant, water only during droughts.
For an indoor plant, check the moisture levels by dipping your finger down into the soil a bit to see if it is wet or dry. Water your lavenders only if the soil is dry.
Lack Of Sunlight
Lavender thrives in a location that’s sunny for as much of the day as possible. The plants need a minimum of six hours of direct sunlight to thrive.
For lavender grown in colder areas or indoors, you can get away with leaving them in more shaded spots during the months when they go dormant.