DIY A Light-Up Garden Arch With Items From Your Local Dollar Tree
If you’re looking for a way to bring more character into your garden, this simple DIY garden arch made with items from your local Dollar Tree will light up your yard.
You’ll need a hula hoop, two broomsticks, spray paint, faux greenery or flowers, and some string lights. These items can be bought new or upcycled from supplies you already have.
Next, get two broom handles, long sturdy bamboo sticks, or any old plastic brooms you have at home. Remove the handles and place the ends of the hula hoop onto the broomsticks.
The broomsticks act as the sides of the arch while the hula hoop makes the curved top. It should be around 5 feet tall, though it can be customized with longer or shorter sides.
Once you’re happy with the structure, take it apart and spray paint each piece. Push the broom handles into the ground or flower pots before attaching the hula hoop on top.
Wrap the string lights around the arch and decorate it however you’d like. Check your local Dollar Tree for any greenery, such as floral moss, that you can glue onto the arch.