Pile of broken bricks
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DIY An Affordable Backyard Path Using Broken Bricks
Hang on to any broken bricks you may have accumulated — you can use them to create a beautiful garden path in a unique design that you’ll have great fun creating and walking on.
You'll need bags of quick-drying concrete and sand. Nail four pieces of wood scrap into a square frame to use as a mold, or dig an indentation into the dirt where the path will go.
Set your frame on the flat dirt surface, or dig your indentation slightly deeper than the height of each brick piece. Next, add a thin layer of sand to the frame or indentation.
Arrange your brick pieces on top of the layer of sand in a decorative pattern, leaving ¼- to ¾-inch margins between bricks. Use a level or a plank to keep the surface flat.
Fill the gaps between bricks with the dry concrete mix, then spray your stepping stones with water. Before the concrete is fully dry, brush or wipe away excess off the bricks.