Plums growing on a fruit tree
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For A Successful Plum Harvest, Follow This Tree Rule
If you did everything in your power to care for your plum tree and no fruit grew, you might be able to solve the problem by planting a second plum tree nearby.
Even though many of these trees are self-fertile or self-pollinating, partnering them with another tree encourages better fruit development and growth.
During the spring months, when plums bloom, having several trees near each other offers more opportunities for cross-pollination, thus increasing the yield for each tree.
Some types of plum trees, like American hybrid varieties and Japanese types, are self-sterile and must have a second variety to cross-pollinate with in order to produce fruit.
Unlike apple trees, plum trees often need the same species close enough to encourage pollination. They also need pollinators to fertilize the flowers and start fruit production.
If you lack the space for two trees, consider a dwarf variety that is better at self-pollinating, use the smaller varieties in containers, or convince neighbors to grow their own.