Helpful Ways To Use Bungee Cords Around Your Home And Garden
By Jahaira Arthur
Trash Can Lids
The strap acts as a garbage can lock to secure your lid in place. If knocked over, the top won't fly off, and critters will have a harder time removing the lid.
Wrap the cord around the edge of a trash bag and secure both ends by connecting the hooks. The elastic rope will keep the bag in place and the bag won’t collapse.
Clip the elastic rope to the hooks inside your vehicle and string any bags through the line. This will help keep your shopping bags upright without tipping.
The fabric around the rope makes it great for bracing plants without damaging them. For thick tree branches, wrap the bungee cord around both branches.
Simply wrap the rope around the partial tree trunk, then go to town with the axe. The cord will keep the split pieces in place so they don't go flying.