Martha Stewart attends the Netflix 2020 Golden Globes After Party in 2020.
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How Martha
Stewart Extends
The Life Of
Freshly Cut Hydrangeas
Hydrangeas make a stunning statement in any floral arrangement, so it's a sure bet that when you clip them from your garden, you'd like them to last as long as possible.
For television personality Martha Stewart, extending the life of freshly cut hydrangeas involves using an ingredient found in just about any grocery store: alum powder.
According to a TikTok user who worked for Stewart, dipping the flower stems in alum powder before placing them in a vase filled with water will make them last longer.
Alum powder is a soft, pure white, very finely grained substance typically used in the pickling process. But they also have properties that help keep stems open longer.
Cut flowers need to "drink" water, but most will try to heal the cut with their sap. Alum powder will keep the stem open longer, allowing the flower to keep absorbing water.
The water, however, should also be changed every couple of days, and it’s also recommended that the flower stems get a fresh cut and another sprinkle of alum powder.