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Hilary Farr Warns Against This Dining Room Furniture Piece
In HGTV’s “Tough Love with Hilary Farr,” the renowned interior designer suggests removing her client’s bulky dining table and cabinet to free up more space in the dining room.
Oversized furniture can disrupt the overall visual appeal of a dining room, make it look cluttered or unbalanced, and make it difficult to move around comfortably.
Farr’s client wanted to keep the pieces for sentimental reasons, but to achieve a successful renovation, you must be willing to part with things to make room for something better.
Although Farr believes in sentimental value, the designer advised, “When it's clearly going to interrupt [...] a renovation, you have to find a way to just let go of it.”
To avoid oversized furniture in your dining room, know how much space you have to work with and look for items like tables and chairs that are better suited to the room’s scale.
Go for rounded edges, which feel softer and take up less space. Slim storage cabinets are a great example of modern furniture that can save space and make the space feel elegant.