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Lacquer Ceilings Are A Luxurious Touch To Make Any Room Feel Sumptuous
Using lacquer to alter your home's aesthetic can be gorgeous, but it's no easy feat and certainly not a task a novice DIY enthusiast should pursue single-handedly.
Lacquers and glossy paint can make a room seem larger and make ceilings themselves appear higher, especially when using lighter colors like creams and shades of white.
When applied to a ceiling, lacquer creates an uber-shiny effect that reflects the room positioned beneath it, which can brighten up a space and add an extravagant flair.
Lacquer also shows imperfections like scratches and dents fairly easily, so if you plan on applying lacquer in your home, do so in a room with minimal foot traffic.
This paint dries hard and forms a protective barrier on surfaces, allowing imperfections to shine through the solution easily, so it may be best to hire a professional.
Painting carefully and investing in a high-quality lacquer can make all the difference with this project. If you like to go bold, a lacquered ceiling will be worth it.