Make Sure You Divide These 20 Perennials In The Fall
1. Siberian Iris
Siberian irises thrive when left undisturbed in one location. However, dividing them every 10 years is beneficial and maintains nutrient availability in the soil.
The best time to divide them is in spring or early fall. The process involves cutting back the leaves to 6-12 inches and splitting the rhizome with a sharp tool before replanting.
Ornamental onions are known for their large, round heads full of stunning star-shaped flowers. However, they need proper spacing to achieve their full potential.
If they appear crowded, it’s best to divide and replant them in the fall when they start to go dormant to give them ample space and access to nutrients for when they bloom again.
Globeflowers, also known as trollius, are resistant to most pests, including deer and rabbits. They are relatively easy to divide due to their compact root clumps.
These perennials should be divided every year in the fall. While the plant may need some time to recover, the division will ensure a successful bloom in the warmer months.
Despite their unique name and appearance, Jack-in-the-pulpits are actually native to Eastern North America and thrive in those regions with minimal care.
To propagate these perennials, divide them in the fall once they go dormant. Replant the original root clump immediately and the separated bulbs elsewhere, shortly thereafter.
Peonies can flourish in gardens for up to 50 years with minimal care and even a century with extra attention. However, it’s recommended to divide them every 10 years.
This way you can relocate or thin out the current blooms. Cut down the stems in the fall, dig up the roots, and divide them into sections of three to five buds before replanting.