Native Plants To Grow In The Garden To Attract More Hummingbirds
Bearded Penstemon
A major draw for hummers, these native plants are admired for their scarlet red, shark-head-like, two-lipped flowers that persist from spring through summer.
Hummers gather around the reddish-orange funnel flowers of these plants, which lend the most color to arid, sunny sites and boast high heat and wind tolerance.
For immediate hummer action, start these plants from bulbs or offsets; seeds will take too long to produce the red mottled, orange flowers with their sweet nectar.
These hummer-friendly perennials look fetching with their 4-foot-tall stature topped by pink, saucer blooms. Remove spent blooms for new flushes and contain the plant.
Golden currant’s sweet-smelling blossoms magnetize hummers, but don’t deadhead the flowers as they turn orangish-mauve. The resulting black fruit will feed the birds.