Pleated blinds with small fold 20mm close up on the window. Brown color bottom up top down home shades. Luxury blinds.
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Save Old Or Broken Window Blinds For These Home & Garden Ideas
Garden Markers
Transform old blinds into garden markers by cutting the slats into suitable lengths. Use waterproof markers to inscribe the plants' names and care instructions.
Create a customized headboard cover by first measuring your current headboard. Then, cut the broken blinds to size and customize them with paint or LED strips.
Thread the blinds onto the frame to match the headboard's dimensions and drape the finished product over the headboard. Secure with staples if necessary.
Storage Box
Attach four wood posts to a wooden square base. Using vinyl blinds, cut the strings to free the slats and wrap them tightly around the outside, securing them with glue.
Starburst Mirror
Cut your blind slats into assorted lengths, arrange them in a radial pattern, and secure them on the back of a mirror with glue. Customize with beads or flowers.
Create personalized bookmarks from cleaned and trimmed blind slats adorned with paint, stamps, or quotes. Add a hole for ribbon or tassel threading to complete the look.