Spruce Up Your Porch With An Easy-To-Care-For Hanging Basket Plant
Hanging baskets add beauty to your porch but often wither in the heat. That doesn’t have to be the case if you choose the vibrant colors of Million Bells to fill your baskets.
These dainty-looking flowers thrive in full sun and partial shade and prefer loamy, fertile, moist, well-draining soil with a pH between 5 and 6.5 for optimal growth and blooms.
Million Bells don’t need deadheading but require regular fertilizing, so ensure your potting mix contains slow-release fertilizer or add some yourself to provide nutrients.
Give your plants water-soluble fertilizer twice a month to keep these heavy feeders blooming profusely all season. Consistent feeding supports lush growth and stunning flowers.
Pair Million Bells with other flowers in hanging baskets. Pentas, creeping Jenny, and dusty millers make excellent additions to enhance beauty and complement these blooms.