If your monstera plant appears droopy and the soil is dry beyond the top few inches when you stick your finger into it, it is likely not getting enough water.
Increase your frequency of watering and thoroughly soak the soil, making sure it's able to drain properly. Continue to do this every time you notice that the soil feels dry.
If the soil is extremely dry and compact and in need of a good soak, you can douse it in water from overhead or submerge it in water at the base for 10-20 minutes.
However, overwatering is likely the issue if your plant has yellowed leaves or dark brown soggy spots on the leaves. To resolve this, you should limit watering to once a week.
Ensure your pot has drainage holes to prevent water from stagnating, or upgrade to one that has them. You may also need to change the soil to a less dense, faster-
Monsteras require eight hours of indirect sunlight every day. So if your floppy plant is positioned in a low-light area, consider moving it to a place that receives
Ideally, this would be in front of an east-facing window to ensure bright yet indirect sunlight. South or west-facing windows can also work as long as the light is not