Living room featuring tall vaulted ceilings
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The Brilliant Design Tip The Stars Of Unsellable Houses Swear By
Vaulted ceilings create a lot of empty space near the top of a room, but HGTV’s "Unsellable Houses" hosts Lyndsay Lamb and Leslie Davis solve this by painting it a different color.
One episode featured a large backroom with a much higher ceiling off the kitchen. By simply painting the higher area a rich blue, attention was drawn to the height of the backroom.
The color choice tied into other themes around the house while calling attention to the height difference in a way that highlights the architecture and draws the eyes upward.
This trick works well in any home with lofted ceilings. Choose a color that complements the lower wall space, stick with neutrals, or go bold with a black-and-white look.
You can also use wallpaper, paneling, murals, timbers, or molding to create visual interest in spaces with minor height variations, like stairwells, to draw the eye more subtly.