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The Colorful Dollar Tree DIY That Brings A Pop Of Spring To Your Porch
Adorn your porch with vibrant flowers using Dollar Tree products. Instead of an ordinary hanging basket of flowers, showcase your blooms in a sphere.
In a tutorial by TikToker @evebydesigns1, you'll need hula hoops, a pool noodle, zip ties from Dollar Tree, spray paint, and decorative floral wreaths from a craft store.
First, arrange four or five hula hoops in a sphere formation, zip-tie them together, and cut off the excess tie material with scissors. Then, spray paint the sphere.
Next, cut the pool noodles in half, bend each piece into a U-shape, and zip-tie them. Fasten the floral wreaths to the pool noodles and place them inside the hula hoop sphere.
You may want to purchase decor flowers for extra volume inside the wreaths. Set it in a planter or hang it up to add a burst of joy to your front porch.