A bird perched on the branch of a tree
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The Common Fruit That Will Attract More Birds To Your Yard
Turning your yard into a sanctuary birds love to flock to is a great way to bring more joy and natural beauty to your home. For this, attract more birds by offering fresh apples.
Species like the American robin, Eastern bluebird, and Northern cardinal love apples. Red or yellow apples are best for birds, as they're rich in vitamins C and K and fiber.
To hang apples for birds, wash them well, cut them down the middle, and take the stem, core, and seeds out. Tie a piece of twine around the halves so they don't come loose.
Hang the apple from a tree with twine or run a string through a hole in the middle made with an apple corer. You can also hang it from a trellis or pierce it through a tree branch.
Place the apples high and at different heights so your birds have enough space. Hang up to five apples in trees to bring a beautiful display of birds in the yard.
However, before offering apples to the birds, ensure that you're using fresh organic apples that aren't moldy and don't contain pesticides or sweeteners that can harm them.