Young woman looking at her clothes in the closet
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The Half-Empty Closet Tip That Will Help Your House Sell
When putting your home on the market, you’ll want to make your space look as appealing as possible. One insider staging secret is to ensure your closets are half-empty.
A closet that's overstuffed and chaotic may give the impression that there's a lack of space, even if the real issue is simply that you haven't gotten around to decluttering.
A half-empty closet makes it seem as though there's lots of storage to work with. It also allows the potential buyer to envision how their own items would fit into the space.
After decluttering your closet, opt to install extra lighting to make the space feel larger. There are many handy lighting products that use batteries and work well in closets.
Adding a fresh coat of white paint will make darker or dingy walls feel open and airy. Consider installing a closet organizer system that’s better than the closet’s default setup.
A closet organizing system can help make things as visually appealing as possible. You can also get matching hangers and organize the closet’s contents by color and type.
Ensure the closet floors are as neat as possible by hanging items or putting them on shelves. This lets buyers feel like there’s enough floor space for them to work with.
Find some storage for loose items, such as seasonal accessories or cleaning supplies. You’ll also want opaque bins, as clear ones can still add a bit of visual clutter.