A set of different aroma candles burning in brown glass jars
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The Hidden Meaning Behind Why People Put Candles In
Their Windows
While seeing a candle in the window can be lovely, it could mean several things. For example, a lit candle can be used to remember a loved one or signal that they aren’t forgotten.
A lit candle can also let people know something wonderful has arrived, like a new opportunity or a birth. It could also mean hope for someone’s return, such as from war.
Candles in the window can symbolize century-old traditions from around the world and represent religious holidays like Hanukkah when some families put their menorah in the window.
If put up specifically near Christmas, a candle in the window could be for decorative purposes, letting those who are visiting know that they are welcome.
However, candles in the window aren’t just for holidays to some people. Irish Catholics persecuted during the time of the Penal Laws used candles as a symbol of hope.
Similarly, the Pennsylvania Dutch keep a candle burning daily. Supposedly, this tradition stems from the Underground Railroad to signify that food and shelter could be found here.