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The Major Benefit Of Leaving Grass Clippings On Your Lawn
For many, cleaning up the grass clippings is part of the lawn-mowing process; however, these remains are beneficial for your lawn.
Allowing the clippings to decompose, also known as “grasscycling,” can yield more vibrant and lush grass, as these leftovers act as a natural fertilizer.
Lawn clippings contain vital nutrients for grass, including nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. The clippings can help you conserve water and fend off weeds.
Grass clippings can also be swept into compost bins alongside other organic matter for later use, or you can utilize them the same way you would mulch.
While these remains can help, there are a few things to consider when grasscycling, such as keeping the clippings’ length to one-third of the grass for quicker decomposition.
Sprinkling clippings on an overgrown lawn can block sunlight, oxygen, and water. Clippings can also contribute to thatch, a buildup that forms between the grass and soil.
To prevent thatch, ensure there’s only a thin layer of cuttings scattered through the yard, and avoid overwatering and over-fertilizing your lawn.