Mouse on table peering into margarine container
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The Mouse Trap Mistake You Should Avoid At
All Costs
Effective mouse trapping requires a good strategy to ensure success. While the bait you use matters, improperly placing the trap is the most critical mistake you can make.
Familiarity and comfort play significant roles in a mouse’s movement patterns, influencing trap effectiveness. Understanding mouse psychology enhances trap placement strategies.
Focus on areas with evidence of mice activity, such as droppings or signs of gnawing. Mice tend to travel along walls and under cover, making these prime spots for trap placement.
Concealed spaces like the inside of cabinets provide opportunities for mice to encounter traps while navigating their environment, increasing the chances of catching them.
Identify entry points where mice may come into your home, such as cracks or gaps around pipes. Placing traps here helps catch mice before they establish a foothold indoors.
Once inside, mice typically stay there, making traps along travel routes more effective. Avoid putting traps in bright or loud areas, as this may deter mice from approaching traps.