Finger pushing seed into soil in pot
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The Pretty Houseplant Beginner Gardeners Can Easily Grow From Seed
Whether you’re an experienced gardener or a beginner wanting to brighten up your home with a pretty, low-maintenance plant, it’s easy to grow the reliable coleus from seed.
Coleus scutellarioides is a member of the mint family. It grows up to 3 feet tall, and with its striking green, yellow, pink, or red leaves, it makes an ideal windowsill plant.
When starting from seeds, always put the pot in the warmest room in your house, and cover it with a plastic bag or plastic wrap to retain moisture until the seeds have germinated.
Your seedlings should sprout within 12 to 21 days. Then, you can remove the plastic and put the pot where it will get regular indirect sunlight, like a partially shady windowsill.
Water your coleus regularly, making sure the soil is always moist but not saturated, as overwatering can harm it. Always keep it out of reach of pets since coleus is toxic to them.