An Attic Would Be Painted White & If You Should Worry
When purchasing a home, details like the attic’s paint color might escape your attention. So, be on the lookout for white attics, which could signal a problem: mold remediation.
Attics might not be painted white but coated with sealant to combat mold growth caused by leaks and poor ventilation. However, this doesn't always solve the underlying issue.
While white mold sealants can temporarily address surface-level issues, they may not reach deeper growth and could create new problems if they weren’t applied correctly.
Professional inspection and treatment are crucial for mold issues. Depending on the type of mold, remediation methods vary from simple disinfection to specialized removal.
Alternatively, a white attic may hide evidence of a past fire. This is why it’s imperative for you as a prospective homeowner to understand the attic's history.