These 14 Houseplants Live Extraordinarily Long Lives
1. Devil's Ivy
This plant can thrive for years if placed in a warm spot without direct sunlight, watered when the soil gets dry, and fertilized once a month from spring to summer.
With gorgeous green leaves, a snake plant only requires indirect sunlight and water every other week to live for up to 25 years. It is toxic to pets, so be cautious.
Considered a noxious weed, this ivy should be kept indoors but far away from any pets. If given indirect light and moist soil, it can grow for hundreds of years.
This plant lives around ten years on average. It can thrive under a variety of lighting conditions and in regular potting soil, requiring water only once a week.
Also known as eternity plants or Zanzibar gems, ZZ plants require indirect light, fertilizer, and water every couple of weeks to thrive for at least a couple of decades.