A person applying fertilizer to soil
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TikTok Wants You To Put Down The Miracle-Gro. Here's Why
TikTok gardeners are urging people to stop using Miracle-Gro because it contains synthetic nitrogen — derived from urea — which can be harmful to microbes, worms, and soil health.
This fast-release nitrogen can disrupt the natural balance of soil by overstimulating microbes, causing them to consume organic matter faster than it can
be replenished.
Over time, this depletion of organic matter leads to soil compaction, reducing the soil's ability to retain water, nitrogen, and other nutrients essential for healthy
plant growth.
This compaction also makes it harder for roots to grow. While Miracle-Gro may provide short-term benefits, it ultimately creates a cycle of dependency on
synthetic fertilizers.
Earthworms are vital for aerating soil and supplying nutrients to plants, but studies show that urea can significantly reduce their populations, further exacerbating these issues.