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Turn Old Egg Cartons Into Beautiful Flower Pots. Here's How
Instead of throwing away egg cartons, use them to create a clay and sculpt a unique pot. Rip the carton into pieces — smaller for a smoother clay, bigger for some chunkiness.
Now, place the pieces in a bowl of water and leave to soak overnight or for at least an hour. Then, mix and blend it all using a stick blender and squeeze out the excess water.
Add regular or rice flour and a little salt and water, or PVA glue and cornstarch instead. Mix it until you have the right texture (not runny and not too stiff).
Mold the clay inside or outside of the container as long as it won’t stick — plastic works fine, but wood or clay might not. You can also use plastic wrap as a liner.
Next, place the pot where it can dry and leave it out for a day or two to harden. Remove it from the container and use Mod Podge from Amazon to seal and protect it.
To decorate it, use a pretty paper napkin or magazine pictures, and Mod Podge them to seal in the design, as Instagrammer @sibster has done, or you can paint it as you like.
You can use leftover clay to make a 3D design, as Youtuber @sternidae has done in the shape of a face. Finally, spray on a UV protector, which you can purchase on Amazon for $18.