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Vinegar Vs Bleach: What To Consider When Cleaning Your Home
When deciding between cleaning with bleach or vinegar, consider when and what you're cleaning. Be sure not to mix the products to avoid forming a potentially deadly chlorine gas.
Vinegar is best for simple cleaning and is cheaper and more eco-friendly than bleach. However, bleach is better at disinfecting surfaces or objects quickly and thoroughly.
For an effective glass cleaner, add a ¼ cup of vinegar to a 16-ounce spray bottle with water. You can also clean coffee pots, descale coffee makers, and remove stains and mildew.
To increase the disinfectant capability of vinegar, add ½ cup of borax to a gallon of vinegar to make a sprayable disinfectant solution.
Vinegar isn't safe for all surfaces, as it's an acid that can damage stone countertops, screens on electronics, hardwood flooring, and even small appliances like clothing irons.
Use bleach as a strong disinfectant to eliminate germs, clean up after working with raw chicken, and decontaminate objects after a natural disaster or when toilets overflow.
First, clean dirty areas with soap and water, then disinfect them further with a bleach solution made of ⅓ of a cup of bleach and 1 gallon of water.
When using bleach, always follow the instructions on the bottle; wear gloves, a mask, and goggles; and only use it in a well-ventilated area with open windows.