Herbs grown in a straw bale garden
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We Tried Straw Bale Gardening, And It Had An Unexpected Upside
Growing plants in straw bales is similar to raised bed gardens but cheaper and less laborious. It's relatively simple to set up, and even the most challenging step had a benefit.
Before starting, know that straw and hay bales are very different. Hay bales are used to feed livestock and have leaves and seeds that would sprout if you tried to grow a garden.
Choose the size and number of straw bales needed, and arrange them based on your space. The bales can be spaced apart, lined up, or clustered like a raised bed table.
Use a trowel and scissors to dig holes big enough for what you are planting, leaving room for the root balls to grow. Pack the hole with garden soil as deep as possible.
Before adding plants, add liquid fertilizer, like fish emulsion, to boost nutrients and help the transplanted roots recover, then water deeply to reduce transplant shock.
The unexpected upside is that even if the straw bails don’t succeed, they will suffocate the weeds and grass underneath.
And as the straw breaks down, it will condition the soil beneath, making it the perfect spot to build a raised garden bed.