Morning dew droplets coat a spider web in the vineyards of Wolxheim, eastern France, on October 20, 2022. (Photo by PATRICK HERTZOG / AFP) (Photo by PATRICK HERTZOG/AFP via Getty Images)
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What You Should Know Before Clearing Spider Webs At Home
Dust-covered spiderwebs signify that your home is due for a thorough cleaning, as little critters have taken up residence in the dark recesses of your abode. Before you go on a cleaning rampage, however, there are a few things you need to know about spiderwebs.
While you might be tempted to opt for full-force destruction, you'll want to check and ensure that the web itself isn't inhabited. Per The Maids, an uninhabited spiderweb, called a cobweb, will often collect dust and debris, look dingy or gray, and might even have little dead bug carcasses hanging in it.
If the web doesn't show any signs of wear, isn't super dusty, and you’ve seen a spider hanging out within the past 24 hours, check the web for any fluffy cotton ball-looking spheres, which are egg sacs. Simply relocate the web, since chances are, if there's an egg sac, the spider will return.
As long as the spider isn’t of a dangerous variety, their webs are beneficial as your home's natural pest control system, since spiders eat most of what they catch, such as mosquitoes, earwigs, fleas, cloth-eating moths, and flies. However, if you're adamant about not befriending an eight-legged squatter, catch and release them.