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Why The Spring Is Your Best Bet For Treating Crabgrass
Crabgrass is the bane of many homeowners who want to grow a lush, healthy lawn. If you need to resort to chemical herbicides, it’s crucial to apply them at the right time.
To effectively combat crabgrass, consider applying preemergent herbicide in the early spring. Preemergent herbicides work by inhibiting the germination of weed seeds in the soil.
Crabgrass thrives in warm, sunny conditions, germinating and spreading rapidly during summer. Regular mowing can control its growth, but an herbicide can stop it in its tracks.
Preemergent herbicides target weed seeds, controlling crabgrass without hurting established turfgrass. Some even provide residual control that can last for weeks or months.
Apply it in early spring when the soil temps reach 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit and before crabgrass seed germination. Apply with a broadcast spreader, then water the lawn lightly.
Avoid mowing the lawn for a few days before and after applying herbicide to allow it to penetrate the soil. Prevent crabgrass from returning by properly maintaining your lawn.