Blight is caused by fungi that transfer from tools, clothing, or infected plant material. It causes plants to lose their leaves and even die, so catching it early is crucial.
When infected by the Calonectria pseudonaviculata fungus, infected leaves get brown spots with a dark border, are covered in tiny structures called microsclerotia, and drop off.
As the infection worsens, defoliation increases, weakening the plant and making it susceptible to other stressors and diseases. Dead, sunken areas called cankers form on the stems.
In a Volutella buxi fungal infection, the plant’s leaves turn yellowish-green, then bronze, then yellow-tan, and the bark peels away on the stems or turns a sickly yellow.
Use fungicides like chlorothalonil to treat plants with early-stage boxwood blight and isolate them from your garden. Also, disinfect your tools so they won't spread the disease.
Prune and thin out your plants regularly to remove infected parts, improve air circulation, and keep them dry. Bag infected pieces and throw them in the trash or burn them.
Never put infected plant material in your compost, as fungal spores may survive and reinfect your garden. Avoid planting in the same spot and switch to fungus-resistant plants.