Hand holding toilet paper roll aloft
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Turn A Simple Piece Of Wood Into A DIY Toilet Paper Shelf
To make the shelf, get your chosen size and shape of wood and cut it to fit against your wall. Walmart offers a wood rectangle for $0.67 or a hexagonal shape for $1.57.
You’ll also need some antique wax, sandpaper, a palm sander, screws, washers (if necessary), a toilet paper holder, brackets, and other decorative elements, like spray paint.
Sand your wood using your palm sander before applying the antique wax, which you can get from Walmart for $7.27. Alternatively, you can paint it to match the color of your space.
When complete, screw the toilet paper holder and brackets firmly to your piece of wood. Then secure your shelf to the wall, making sure the toilet paper will be within easy reach.
To further customize your look, try the colonial brackets from Home Depot for $6.98. Alternatively, use a longer piece of wood and add multiple toilet paper holders.