TikTok's Simple Blanket Storage DIY You Need For A Clutter-Free Living Space

As spring begins to take hold, there are bound to be some chilly days along with the warmer ones. That means it might be too early to put all your blankets into storage. However, hanging them over your couches where they might clutter up an otherwise warmer-weather-ready living room might not be completely necessary, either. Enter the solution — a coat rack, and not a free-standing one that takes up space; we're talking about mounted coat racks.

If your blankets are on a rack in the living room or just around the corner, you'll have easy access to them and they won't take up a ton of space. Draping blankets along the side of your sofa or rolling them up aesthetically can be a fun and savvy choice, but it might take time to get the arrangement looking just right. By contrast, hanging blankets on a coat rack is as simple as can be — anyone who enters the space can help keep things tidy as they go. In other words, this TikTok-approved hack is about to become your new best friend.

Identify an empty wall that can be used for a coat rack

Before getting into the nitty gritty, let's start with logistics. Firstly, think about how many blankets you have so you get a clearer idea what size rack you'll need. Then, look around your space to determine where you might hang the blankets — your living room is ideal, but if that's not going to work, you could also enlist any nearby wall. The key is that they should be easily accessible. 

Amazon stocks a number of mounted coat rack options, so you can choose whatever fits your style best, from the ultimate Scandinavian-inspired wooden racks for around $14, to more industrial looking steel alternatives for just under $20. Alternatively, you could also get something more traditional-looking for around $25 — or switch things up with a $21 accordion-style rack that lets you display your blankets at different levels. 

Whichever rack you decide on, be sure to follow the installment instructions. Most will require you to screw them into the wall, but if you'd rather avoid that (or if you're renting and drilling holes is a no-no), as long as your blankets are lightweight, you may be able to get away with some non-damage double-sided tape (just under $4 on Amazon). However you plan on approaching installation, just remember to place the rack high enough to ensure none of your blankets end up dragging on the ground.

You could also DIY a rack of your own

Can't find a coat rack design you like or that fits your space? You could also go the DIY route and make your own coat rack, a la TikToker @804_sycamore. Simply find the spot where you want to place the mounted rack, then cut a 2x4 to size or have your local wood shop do it for you. From there, secure it to the wall with painter's tape while ensuring that everything is straight and drill it into the wall. 

Once you have the 2x4 secured, order a set of wall hooks. As with the ready-made mounted coat racks, these come in a variety of styles, so you can choose one that suits your preference. Something more traditional will set you back around $9 on Amazon, but you could spend around $20 for a fun wooden hook. Again, how you secure the hooks depends on the specific hook you go for, and some require screws while others can be installed with adhesive.

Whether you opt to make your own coat rack or install a ready-made one and use adhesive or screws, your living room clean ups are about to get a whole lot easier.