Why You Should Avoid Using A Pressure Washer To Clean Your Gutters

Whipping out a pressure washer to clean your gutters may seem like a good idea, but that's definitely not the case. In fact, doing so may cause destruction to rain down from the sides of your house in the form of stripped paint, leaks, and more. As if that wasn't bad enough, another reason to steer clear of using this tool on your gutters is that you could end up injuring yourself — yes, you could be an indirect victim of your pressure washer. Although it may seem laughable, this tool packs a forceful punch, whether you're a professional or not. 


With the average gutter costing up to a whopping $650 to repair, it's vital to tend to them correctly from the get-go. And since the potential for damage to you and your gutters is very real, it's best to put your pressure washer away. Below, we'll dive deeper into some reasons you should abstain from utilizing this tool on this area of your home.

Pressure washing can ruin the gutter both aesthetically and physically

The first reason you'll want to avoid this power tool like the plague (at least, when it comes to gutter cleaning) is because it can ruin your gutter both aesthetically and physically. On the aesthetic side, it can strip the paint clean off, leaving an unsightly mess in your wake that will be frustrating to rectify. After all, who wants to see a patchy gutter as they pull onto the driveway? It screams "look at me" — but for all the wrong reasons.


Next are the physical impacts, which could include leaks, cracks, and broken supports. This could cause sections to come off like a broken wishbone, or even collapse the whole thing altogether. All of these negative impacts boil down to the power of the water coming from the pressure washer, which can be completely overbearing. If you utilize it repeatedly, you may increase the likelihood that your drainpipes will experience these effects. If you want to clean your gutters, go with a less impactful method (e.g., manually pick out the leaves and use a regular hose) or hire a professional.

The pressure washer could cause blockages, as well

Another primary reason you should avoid using a pressure washer is that it could cause blockages from the water compacting what's already stuck in there, a gutter-cleaning mistake you don't want to make. These blockages mean that the gutter can't do its job properly, and will thus have a knock-on effect that creates more issues, such as rot, potentially even negatively impacting the interior of your home. This could include problems with the windows, walls, and ceilings, to name a few, and with the typical U.S. family already dishing out an estimated $6,000 a year on fixing their property (per Hippo Insurance), you certainly don't want to have to dispense any more cash than you need to resolve it. 


As for the danger to yourself? Circling back to that point, the washer's power can be enough to make you unsteady on your feet. That's one thing if you're on the ground, but if you're high up on, say, a ladder — or the roof of the house — falls can be a huge safety concern. 

With all that said, if you were thinking of sprucing up your gutters yourself, you may want to think twice for all the reasons listed above. Instead, do your research and opt for something achievable that is within your budget, so you can easily clean your gutters without damage. Or, failing that, just do it the tedious, old-fashioned way.

