Are The Least Expensive Desk Chairs At West Elm Worth Buying?

Whether you started a new remote office position or want a productive space to work on a personal project, having the right set-up for your home office is important when it comes to being productive. Your office chair, in particular, is something that can make or break your workspace. Autonomous further explains that the type of chair you choose for your office can not only assist your comfort throughout your working hours but also help you become more productive while you work at your desk.


When looking for the right desk chair for you, there are a variety of places you can look. Although you may not consider West Elm to be first on your list when it comes to affordable desk chair options, they do have a selection of fairly priced desk chairs that may be worth a second look. Let's take a gander at some of West Elm's least expensive desk chairs and examine if they are truly worth buying.

The maine swivel office chair

One of the cheapest desk chairs you can find at West Elm is the Maine Swivel Office Chair, which can be purchased for only $130. The Maine Swivel Office Chair also seems to be one of the simplest office chairs you can find at West Elm. According to their website, the chair consists of a wooden frame that is padded and covered with a stylish grey linen and held up by a sturdy and adjustable metal base.


West Elm describes this chair as having comfortable padding and smooth curves that make it a welcoming place to sit. With its smooth rolling wheels, you are also able to easily move and transition to other areas within your office space without the hassle of standing up or physically picking up and moving a chair. The only downside to this product is the lack of armrests to assist with proper posture and overall comfort while using the chair. If, however, armrests are not the most important thing to you while using your workspace, West Elm's Maine Swivel Office Chair is definitely worth a second look.

The deacon swivel office chair

Another inexpensive desk chair option at West Elm is the Deacon Swivel Office Chair. This chair is available for about $160 and projects a somewhat simple look that can match a variety of different office styles. According to West Elm, the Deacon Swivel Office Chair is sturdily made with a metal frame that is padded and covered with a light upholstery fabric consisting of a mixture of polyester and acrylic. The entire chair is also held up by a sturdy, adjustable metal base.


Unlike the Maine Swivel Office Chair, West Elm shows that the Deacon Swivel Office Chair includes armrests to help with comfort and posture but lacks a comfortable curve to lean against while working at your desk or anywhere else in your office. However, it still has smoothly rolling wheeling that allows you to flow easily throughout your office space without needing to stand up or physically pick up and move your chair. This chair is a piece worthy of consideration if you're not worried about lumbar support or plan to invest in a lumbar pad to use with the chair.

