How To Properly Clean A Glass Top Stove, According To An Expert

The glass top stove has seen a rise in popularity in recent years due to its space-saving capabilities, its ability to quickly and evenly distribute heat, and its aesthetic appeal. At the same time, glass tops have a bit of a disadvantage because every spill and splatter is on full display, thanks to their flat, sleek surface, explains Paradise Appliance.

To resolve the dilemma of how to clean a glass top stove, we reached out to Hugo Guerrero, a Certified House Cleaning Technician (HCT) and Consultant for Mattressive. In an exclusive interview with House Digest, Guerrero explains how thoroughly clean such a delicate surface without leaving scratches or streaks.

For starters, Guerrero advises against using anything that can damage the glass. "It's important to avoid using abrasive sponges or harsh cleaners on a glass top stove as they can damage the surface. Also, be sure to avoid using metal scouring pads or sharp objects as they can scratch the surface of the stove," he warns.

Prepare the surface and solution

While Guerrero mentions what to avoid when cleaning the glass top, he also gives some specific suggestions in relation to the type of cloth and the cleaning solution itself. He also goes on to caution about waiting well after the cooking session is over. "Allow the stove to cool down completely before cleaning. Wipe down the surface with a soft damp cloth to remove any loose dirt or debris. Mix a solution of equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the surface of the stove and let it sit for a few minutes," he recommends.

Letting the vinegar and water solution sit allows the vinegar to break up any filmy grease or food stains, explains NSF. With its high acidic content, vinegar naturally dissolves almost any type of oil, stain, or dirt without leaving streaks or damaging glass surfaces, which makes it the ideal cleaner for glass top stoves.

Cleaning the glass top

The next step involves carefully but firmly wiping the glass top to remove the stains. "Use a soft, non-abrasive sponge or cloth to scrub the surface of the stove in a circular motion, starting from the center and working your way outward. Be sure to pay extra attention to any stubborn stains or food spills," Guerrero advises. Nonetheless, there is one more step to ensure no stains remain on the stove as he suggests, "Wipe the surface with a clean, damp cloth to remove the cleaning solution. Dry the surface of the stove with a clean, dry cloth."

This final step of drying the surface guarantees that you won't have any streaks or spots of solution showing up on the surface if it were to air dry. Plus, this helps to see if you might need a second round of spraying and wiping with the vinegar and water, or if you need to try another alternative.

Finishing touches

For the most part, vinegar and water should do the trick, but there are times when sticky and stubborn stains that have hardened pose a challenge and might require a stronger cleaning solution. Guerrero gives further details about what to do in this situation. "If there are any remaining stains or streaks on the surface, try using a stove top cleaner specifically formulated for glass top stoves. Follow the instructions on the product label and use a soft, non-abrasive sponge or cloth to apply the cleaner."

Finally, Guerrero reminds us not to forget the final buffing and drying as this will ensure a shiny, streak-free stove top. "Wipe the surface of the stove with a clean, damp cloth to remove the cleaner, then dry the surface with a clean, dry cloth." Moreover, you might opt for a cloth that doesn't leave lint behind and has an ultra-soft texture.