Easy Ways To Firm Up Your Mattress

A sagging or overly soft mattress can negatively impact your sleep quality and overall well-being. Maintaining a firm mattress is crucial for proper spinal alignment and relief from pressure points, and it promotes a healthy sleep posture, reduces discomfort, and improves the overall quality of your rest. However, old mattresses can lose their firmness over time due to wear and tear, leaving you searching for a solution. The good news is that there are easy ways to firm up your bed and restore its supportive properties.

Various techniques, such as rotating and flipping your mattress, investing in a mattress topper designed for firmness, using plywood or mattress support boards, and even replacing the box spring or foundation, can improve its firmness. Additionally, adjusting your sleeping position, considering weight distribution, and being mindful of mattress density can all contribute to a firmer sleep surface. Taking care of your mattress by regularly cleaning it and using a mattress protector can also help extend its lifespan and preserve its supportive qualities.

Tips and techniques for a firmer sleep surface

One of the best things you can do to increase the firmness of your mattress is by regularly rotating and flipping it. Beds can develop indentations and uneven areas due to the weight and pressure they endure. Every six months, rotate the mattress 180 degrees and flip it over to ensure more even wear. Another option is to use a mattress topper. Opt for a firmer material like latex or memory foam to alleviate pressure points effectively. Be sure to choose the right thickness and ensure it fits well with your mattress size.

Consider placing a sturdy piece of plywood or a bunkie board between your mattress and the bed frame for additional support. This will reduce the sinking sensation and add firmness to your sleep surface. Sometimes, an old or worn-out box spring can be the main reason for a sagging or soft mattress. Replacing it with a new, sturdy, and durable option can significantly improve overall firmness and support your bed.

Your mattress may need to be aired out to let excess moisture evaporate, as built-up moisture from sweat and humidity can make the mattress feel heavy and too firm. To do this, let it sit in a dry and sunny spot one to two times a year. If you have a memory foam mattress, try to keep your bedroom a little colder than it would be, as the colder temperatures help the foam feel denser.

Personalizing your sleep experience

You can try out various methods to customize your bed and cater to your specific sleeping requirements and preferences. For example, combining a mattress topper with regularly rotating and flipping your mattress can provide the desired level of support for some individuals, while others will need to go a little further and test different thicknesses of plywood or bunkie boards to achieve the ideal balance between comfort and firmness. When trying to adjust a mattress's firmness, it's also important to consider your sleeping position, body weight, and mattress density. Side-sleepers, or those with a more petite frame, will need a softer mattress than stomach or back sleepers, or those who are taller or larger. 

Keep in mind that severely worn-out or unsupportive mattresses may not be fully restored by tweaking or modifications. In this case, investing in a new mattress with the appropriate level of firmness is often the most effective solution. Take time to choose the best mattress that will provide a supportive sleeping surface in line with your desired level of firmness and comfort. As a last-ditch effort to make your mattress feel firmer, try placing it on the floor. However, this can damage your mattress over time, so it's best to do this only while you're waiting for your new, firmer mattress to come in.