Gorgeous Wreath Alternatives That Will Bring Modern Charm To Your Front Door

Nothing looks more welcoming during the holidays than a front door adorned with a lush, festive wreath. Whether you prefer fresh foliage or faux flowers, a wreath can give your home more curb appeal, making the property look well cared for and inviting. But what can you decorate your door with for the remaining seasons of the year? Though spring and summer wreaths are available, some people crave an alternative that makes their homes look more unique and speaks to who they are as a family. What you hang on your front door is going to be seen by any visitors or passersby in the neighborhood and give them an indication of who lives inside, so choosing your door decor should take some consideration.

If you're keen on crafting, there are plenty of options for stunning wreath alternatives you can make yourself, from rustic nature-inspired door decor to quirky personalized exterior ornaments. For the more craft-averse among us, there's no shortage of ready-made wreath alternatives you can buy that will help to transform the exterior of your home to give it a charming and cheerful look. Take into account the style of your home and the color scheme of your exterior when choosing the best wreath alternative for your front door to ensure a polished look.

Make DIY front door decor with an embroidery hoop

This farmhouse wreath alternative has a cute country look thanks to the combination of black and white gingham fabric and rustic jute material. The faux flowers give the door decor a cheerful appeal that is perfect for spring and summer. This easy DIY hangs from garden twine, and you can make it with inexpensive materials you can find in dollar stores and craft stores.

An embroidery hoop, like this one from Amazon, forms the base of this hanging door decor. You will need two small swatches of fabric and a length of ribbon, which can be leftovers from another craft project, or you may be able to get small cutoffs as free samples from a haberdashery store. Layer them inside the embroidery hoop (as shown in this YouTube tutorial) and then trim the edges. The embroidery hoop will hold the fabric and ribbon taut, making for a great no-sew DIY. The layered fabric will create a pocket where you can insert faux flowers of your choice. Use a hot glue gun to adhere a wooden "welcome" sign to your decor or choose a different word for greeting visitors (as in this "hello" cutout from Amazon). To finish, tie some garden twine around the metal fixture on the top of the embroidery hoop and use it to hang your masterpiece on your front door.

Repurpose old boots to hang on your front door

Most of us have probably never considered hanging a pair of boots on our front door, but Kay's Flower School (via YouTube) proves this is a genius and stylish way of repurposing rain boots that children have outgrown. Bright pink kids' boots are paired with pretty pink ribbon and fresh-cut pink flowers in this example, resulting in a quirky and playful look that would work well on a front door with a cottage garden.

To create your own front door wreath alternative like this one, the first thing you'll need is a pair of children's boots. Rain boots work best because they are waterproof, so they'll hold up well when exposed to inclement weather. For a cute look, choose a small pair of boots, then fill them with floral foam. Cylindrical pieces like these from Target will be a good fit for the leg holes in the boots. Next, insert flowers and foliage into the foam in a random pattern. Fresh-cut flowers look stunning, but remember you will need to replace them every week or so. For a low-maintenance option, use faux flowers instead. Create holes at the top of the boots and insert a ribbon of your choice, which you can use to hang the display on your front door. If you have other pairs of old rain boots, repurpose them into a spring planter to complement your front door decor.

Fill a stocking with faux foliage for a festive wreath alternative

Bored with the usual holiday season wreaths? Make your own custom foliage-filled stocking for unique front door decor that all your neighbors will envy. In this example (via YouTube), a lace stocking has been stuffed with faux foliage, faux berries, and decorative baubles. The resulting look is quaint and homely, perfect for a traditional-style home. Due to the fabric of the stocking, this wreath alternative would be best suited to a front door with a porch where it will be protected from rain and snow, or you could instead hang it on an internal door.

To make this door decoration, you'll need a fabric stocking. Choose one in a festive shade that complements the color of your front door. You should stuff the stocking and weight it down so it doesn't become top heavy when you insert the decorations at the top. You can use pebbles from the garden or glass beads as weights. Use a hot glue gun to fix your faux sprigs of foliage and berries in place so they look like they are popping out of the stocking. Fix a ribbon to the top of the stocking and use it as a hanger.

Make an umbrella wreath with a few household items

This wreath alternative uses an umbrella and flowers as spring door decor. The umbrella featured in this DIY YouTube tutorial is bright and multicolored, which is perfect for the sunnier months of the year, but you could opt for a different color or pattern on your umbrella to suit the season. A red umbrella like this heart-print design from Target would be a nice touch to celebrate Valentine's Day. Tips for decorating with complementary colors can also be applied to door decor, and the red in this umbrella would contrast beautifully against the green shades of the foliage bursting out of the top.

If you're not the craftiest person but want a unique feature on your front door, this umbrella DIY is the perfect option. It requires no sewing and is extremely simple with very few steps to follow. Start off with an umbrella with a hook handle because this is what you will use to hang the decor on your door. Turn the umbrella upside down in a closed position and tie some ribbon into a decorative bow around halfway up the fabric of the accessory. Next, take some faux flower and foliage stems and simply insert them into the umbrella like you would in a vase. The ribbon you added earlier will hold the stems tightly in place. Now, hang your umbrella on your door and admire your handiwork.

Burlap ribbon can make for a great spring and summer wreath alternative

Burlap is an organic fabric made from fibers from the jute plant. It can bring a rustic charm to modern homes and is very on-trend right now as we embrace earthy decor. When combined with faux flowers to create door decor, burlap looks stylish and natural.

To make this door decor DIY (via YouTube), wrap strips of burlap fabric around a small embroidery hoop or shower curtain ring. Secure the fabric in place with a hot glue gun. Next, set the hoop to one side and measure out a yard of burlap ribbon. Then, use floral pins to secure it to a styrofoam ball. Cut some faux hydrangeas, like these  from Amazon, at the short stem where they attach to the main stem. 

Punch holes in the styrofoam balls with a screwdriver or knitting needle and fill the holes with hot glue, then insert the cut hydrangea flowers. When finished, the faux hydrangea blooms should cover the styrofoam so you can't see it. Slip the burlap ribbon through the burlap ring you made earlier so it can function as a hanger. Next, repeat the process on the other end of the burlap ribbon by adding a styrofoam ball and covering it with fake hydrangea flowers. You can finish at this point or add another strip of burlap ribbon so you end up with four hanging hydrangea balls. When complete, hang it on your front door by the hoop.

Create a quirky door hanger with oversized gift tags

Oversized wooden gift tags make the perfect personalized door decor for the festive season and beyond. In this example (via YouTube), two tags have been decorated with reindeer prints and festive accessories like tartan ribbon and shiny green baubles. You could customize your tags to incorporate the names of your family members or choose accessories to suit the style of your home. Satin-finished gray and gold baubles with black ribbon look sleek on a contemporary front door, or you could choose more traditionally festive classic colors.

Packs of oversized wooden gift tags like these from Amazon can also be found elsewhere online or in local craft stores. The tags have predrilled holes and come with twine that you can use to hang the boards on your front door. You could also spray the boards with chalkboard paint and decorate them with acrylic pens and add matching accessories with a glue gun. The featured example here shows tags personalized for the festive season, but you could create tags for any time of year. Paint the tags orange for fall door decor and stencil on leaves or opt for bright and sunny colors in the spring and summer by attaching faux flowers to the boards.

Give your front door a natural look with a bouquet of garden sprigs

If you like to decorate with nature in your home, you can also extend this to the outside of your house to improve curb appeal and create a sense of continuity in terms of style. The Old Orchard Garden shared (via YouTube) how you can use foraged materials from the yard to create a beautiful natural bouquet that you can hang on the front door. This dried bouquet made use of rudbeckia seed heads, which provide a stark black color against the bronze shades of the dried sedum and faded sage green of dried hydrangea flower heads.

To create your own hanging bouquet for your front door, take cuttings from your garden and allow them to dry out for a minimum of a few weeks in a dark room or a closet. When dried out, you can arrange these into a bouquet and tie them together with twine. Set longer stems at the back and shorter stems at the front to create a graduated effect. Make sure to leave extra lengths of twine to use as a hanging loop on your front door.

Upcycle an old basket into a front door planter for faux flowers

The easy alternative to a stunning front door wreath comes in the shape of an old basket repurposed as a hanging planter. Many of us have unused baskets wasting away in closets and cupboards, but you can give them new life and simultaneously boost your curb appeal on a budget. Robin Johnson, a DIY home decor vlogger, explains (via YouTube) that she created a beautiful floral arrangement for her front door using a flat-backed basket she picked up at a thrift store. This woven basket containing dried pastel-colored flowers has a cute style that would look great on a quaint cottage or a traditional home.

To create your own faux flower planter for your front door, you'll need to start with a basket that has a handle. If you don't have a basket to repurpose, check out yard sales and thrift stores or alternatively source one online, such as this one from Amazon. You will need to fill the basket with a piece of floral foam cut to size and then insert faux flowers on spikes into the foam. Fill the basket until you can no longer see the foam and then hang it on your front door by the basket handle. For a cute look, you can tie a ribbon around the handle.

Make a Dollar Tree door hanger with burlap and rope

This homemade hanger for a front door makes a house look warm and welcoming, and you would never know it was crafted from items picked up at a Dollar Tree. The rope finish gives this door decor a charming rustic look, while the pretty faux flowers add vibrancy and life to the front of a home. Set this hanger on your door in spring and then make another version with bronze and gold foliage with berries to swap it for when fall arrives.

As seen on YouTube, the base for this hanger is cleverly constructed from two wreath frames. You'll need a square wreath frame cut in half and a circular wreath frame cut in half. Piece the two together to create this handbag shape and secure them with a hot glue gun. You can use washing line pegs to hold the frames in place while the glue sets. Next, you'll need a small swatch of burlap, which you can affix to the square portion of the frame with hot glue. Then, cover over this with rope by wrapping it around the frame. When complete, hot glue the faux flowers to the back of the frame so they look like they're growing out of the basket. If you wish, you can fix a "welcome" sign to the front of the hanger or get creative with a small chalkboard.

Repurpose a welcome sign to use as front door decor

Transform a bland "welcome" sign (like this one from Target) into something special with a few craft items you probably already have lying around the house. This is the type of wreath alternative that works well for low-maintenance families who don't want to switch their door decor every season because it can work well year-round. Using colors that complement the exterior of your property will really make the look pop. For example, blue and green are accent colors that pair well with a red brick home.

To create this unique wreath alternative, you'll need to start with a basic "welcome" sign and add some decorations to it such as ribbons, faux flowers, buttons, or any other craft items you might like to include. This is an opportunity to share your personality with your neighborhood by getting creative with your front door decor. Use a hot glue gun to fix your additions in place, and if the welcome sign doesn't already have a hanger, you can fix one to the back of it.

Adorn your door with a welcome sign year-round

If crafting isn't your thing, there's absolutely no shame in adorning your front door with a ready-made wreath alternative. This option from Amazon has a wooden base and layers of jute ribbon to give it a natural feel. The addition of faux foliage sprigs further enhances the earthy look of the decor. This sign would look stunning on a modern door at any time of the year, and it would work equally well for a farmhouse vibe on a country home.

Looking for a patriotic wreath alternative? This metal Americana "welcome" sign from Target is truly eye-catching and would look great set against a black or white front door. Nautical chic more your vibe? This beach-inspired "welcome" sign from Target would look right at home on the front door of a coastal Cape Cod home or an apartment by the sea. If classic and simple is your preference, you can't go wrong with this black and white "hello" hanging sign from Amazon, which has a modern font and a clean, contemporary look.