Why You Should Upgrade To A Programmable Thermostat

According to MYSA, it was in the early 20th century that homes started to be built with heating systems. Of course, they weren't like the ones we are familiar with now. Instead, they were furnaces, usually in the basement, that would have to be filled with fuel regularly. It was an improvement from having to heat a home with a fireplace, but this still wasn't nearly as convenient as our modern heating systems. With the invention and rise of smartphones, the rest of our world has slowly started to migrate to smart technology.

According to MYSA, the first programmable thermostats came out in the 1980s. Unfortunately, even today, only about 30% of them are used to their full potential and have programmed schedules. So if you're thinking about getting one or have one, and you're wondering if it's worth getting out the instructions to set up the schedules, here's what you need to know.

Programmable thermostats save you money

The truth is, the temperature in your house does not need to stay the same. When you go to sleep, leave for work, or take a vacation, your home can lower to temperatures that are less comfortable for you but more comfortable for your saving account. However, changing the thermostat every time you leave the house would get annoying, and it would be easy to forget! Instead, smart thermostats allow homeowners to schedule the temperature based around when they leave the home and when they come back.

It is estimated that when you use a programmable thermostat correctly, you can save up to $180 a year on your heating and cooling costs, notes Energy Star. Of course, this figure depends on the size of your house, where you live, and the type of fuel you use. Either way, almost 200 dollars is enough to justify the purchase.

Programmable thermostats save energy

According to Green Mountain Energy, for every one degree you turn the thermostat down, you save 1% of energy, and programmable thermostats can help reduce the amount of energy you use. This is good for both your wallet and the planet! Additionally, according to MYSA, the latest thermostats can be linked to your phone and provide maintenance and regular servicing alerts. Keeping up with the maintenance of the furnace keeps it running efficiently. When the system doesn't have to work so hard, it can do its job using less energy.

When you're away from home or asleep, your home doesn't need to be costing you money. While it's essential to be comfortable in your home, It is important to conserve energy wherever possible. Metro Heating suggests changing the temperature by 10 degrees. In winter, set it 10 degrees cooler, and in the summer, go 10 degrees warmer.