How To Use A Slow Cooker As A Humidifier

Whether you have the heater running nonstop, pollen has invaded your space, or you just want to add moisture to the air, a humidifier is a useful appliance to have in the home. However, there's one other versatile appliance in your home that has the capability of emitting water vapor into the atmosphere if you don't happen to own one.

The slow cooker makes a great substitute for a humidifier and works just as effectively when it comes to increasing moisture levels in the air and making your environment more comfortable. After all, dry air has the tendency to irritate nasal passages and contribute to dry skin and hair. So bringing your home's atmospheric moisture back to a healthy balance can help you cope with sinus issues and cold symptoms. And if you haven't already guessed, using a slow cooker for this purpose is similar to the old, home remedy of boiling a pot of water and allowing the steam to escape. In fact, this might be one of the easiest tips since you won't have to worry about filters or mold accumulation.

Take these simple steps

The first step is to set your slow cooker to the desired setting, depending on how quickly you want the water to start boiling. Fill the pot with hot tap water, put the lid on, and wait for the water to heat up. After a few minutes, if you look through the lid and see bubbles forming and steam rising, then you can lower the temperature setting on the slow cooker. 

The steam will immediately escape when you remove the lid. You can keep the slow cooker open for however long you like, but if the water level falls, then you'll need to refill it. This prevents a fire hazard while keeping the steam rolling. Another safety tip is to keep a reasonable watch over the slow cooker. Also, you might have to periodically put the lid back on in order for the water to go back to its boiling point. From there, you'll just repeat the process.

Try different aromas

Additionally, you can follow this same procedure of heating the water and adding different ingredients such as essential oils or spices. For instance, for a warm atmosphere on a cool fall day, you can add cinnamon sticks, clove, or a dash of a pumpkin spice blend. Also, you can add mint leaves or peppermint oil, or for a relaxing aroma that calms the nerves, try a couple of drops of lavender oil. Or to lighten the mood and add a positive, springtime vibe, you can opt for lemon.

Moreover, if you're dealing with a cold or congestion, you can add eucalyptus oil to the water, sit close by, and inhale the vapor. Eucalyptus is known for clearing nasal passages and calming down a fit of coughing. If you want a more subtle scent, you can cut back on the quantity of the ingredients or replace the lid to temper the strength of the aroma. One perk to using the slow cooker is that you have control over the potency of whatever scent you choose. Either way, you'll get the benefits of more moisture in the air along with your favorite fragrance.