How To Fix Scratches On Leather Furniture (And When To Hire A Pro)

Leather furniture is a luxurious addition to any home but is also prone to scratches and other damage that can mar its appearance. Many products on the market are specifically designed to treat leather scratches. These scratch removers typically come in a cream or liquid form and contain specialized ingredients that help to fill in scratches and restore the appearance of the leather. They also often include conditioning agents that help moisturize, protect the leather, and prevent future damage. When choosing a leather scratch remover, it's important to read the label carefully and ensure that it's compatible with your furniture's leather type and the severity of the scratch.

If you don't want to purchase a dedicated leather scratch remover, DIY methods use common household ingredients to get the job done. One of the easiest and most effective methods is to use olive oil. Simply apply a small amount of olive oil to a soft cloth and gently rub it into the scratched area. The oil will help to moisturize the leather and make the scratch less visible.

You can also use a hair dryer to remove scratches from leather furniture. To use this method, set your hair dryer to the lowest heat setting and hold it several inches away from the scratched area. Use a soft cloth to gently buff the leather while applying heat with the hair dryer. The heat will help to expand the leather fibers, allowing the scratch to blend in more effectively.

When to hire a professional

While the methods listed above can be effective for minor scratches, more severe damage may require the help of a professional. If your leather furniture has deep scratches, tears, or other significant damage, it's best to leave the repair work to the pros. Attempting to fix serious damage yourself can result in further damage to the leather and may even make the problem worse. It's also best to contact a professional if you don't know what type of leather your furniture is made from.

Professional leather repair technicians have the experience and equipment needed to repair and restore leather furniture to its original condition. In addition to repairing damage, a professional leather technician can also help to maintain the quality and appearance of your leather furniture over time. They can provide regular cleaning and conditioning services to help keep your furniture looking great and offer tips on caring for your leather furniture at home.

Choosing the right leather

When shopping for leather furniture, it's important to understand that some types of leather are more durable than others, and choosing the right type can reduce the incidence of scratches. Full-grain leather, which is made from the top layer of the animal's hide, is one of the most durable types of leather. It has a natural grain and texture that make it resistant to wear and tear, making it ideal for furniture that gets a lot of use. Top-grain leather is another popular choice for furniture and is slightly less durable than full-grain leather. It's made by removing the hide's top layer and sanding it down to create a smooth, uniform surface. While it's not as durable as full-grain leather, it's still resistant to scratches and can withstand everyday use.

Corrected-grain leather and split-grain leather, on the other hand, are less durable than full-grain and top-grain leather. Corrected-grain leather has an artificial grain applied to the surface. Split-grain leather is made from the lower layers of the hide and is much thinner than full-grain or top-grain leather. Choosing durable leather can help prevent scratches before they happen.