The Fruits You Need To Banish Spiders From The Home

While most spiders are considered harmless, that still doesn't mean you want them hanging out with you while you're watching TV. So if you wish to keep them away but are in a pinch, use that leftover orange peel from lunch to your advantage. That's because arachnids can't stand the smell of citrus. Spiders rely on their sense of smell to differentiate between edible and non-edible objects, as well as to locate mates. By using scents that spiders can't stand, like citrus peels, vinegar, or other herbs and spices, you can effectively deter them and discourage them from entering your place of refuge.


With the exception of Antarctica, you can find spiders on every single continent around the globe. While they do provide us with free pest control by targeting insects like mosquitoes and fleas, most people prefer to not share a living space with an eight-legged roommate. (Know this before you clear away their webs.) Fortunately, the majority of spiders found in homes pose no threat to humans. The exception is the black widow and brown recluse, which should be approached with caution.

How to use citrus to deter spiders

To naturally repel spiders, you can harness the power of citrus fruits like orange, grapefruit, or lemon. Begin by slicing the peel into small chunks and placing them in a pot. Pour one cup of boiling water over half of the chunks and let the peel soak the chunks of peel overnight. The next day, strain the liquid and add a quarter-cup of witch hazel to the citrus-infused water.


Transfer the mixture to a spray bottle and shake it well to thoroughly mix, then apply it to areas where spiders typically hide. Another eco-friendly option is to create a natural repellent by combining water with the juice of half a lemon. Mix this in a spray bottle and apply it around your home, keeping it focused on spider-prone areas.

Another way to use the citrus peels is by drying them in the sun and grinding them into a powdered form. Sprinkle this citrus powder throughout your house in the above-mentioned areas at least once a week to deter creepy crawlies. Remember that any citrus peel can work, so experiment with grapefruit, lime, lemon, and/or orange peels as individuals or in a combination for a more fragrant (and potent) effect.


Other eco-friendly ways to scare off creepy crawlies

For tackling spider problems, you can't go wrong with vinegar. This versatile household staple can be mixed with water and sprayed in targeted areas where spiders can commonly be found. Vinegar also plays double duty with ants and other bugs, so if your home happens to be a haven for uninvited house guests, vinegar might be a good option.


In addition to citrus scents, spiders tend to steer clear of tea trees, eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, citronella, and peppermint. So if you're a fan of essential oils, you can make your own homemade spider-deterrent spray. Start by filling a spray bottle with warm water and adding 10 drops of your preferred oil. Thoroughly shake the mixture and then apply it throughout your home, paying particular attention to spaces underneath windows, which are areas where spiders tend to nest. For a more aggressive deterrent, forgo the spray and sprinkle your oil onto a cotton ball and place it in cracks and/or corners.

Sprinkling salt, baking soda, turmeric, or dried mint in spider hangout spots can send them packing. Finely ground black pepper or clove is also thought to keep these eight-legged beasties at bay.


