Why You'll Want A Bottle Of Wine Next Time You're Cleaning The Windows

Windows are one of the most important components of the house because they control what you see outside and allow sunshine to penetrate inside, giving you the proper amount of lighting. That is why knowing how to clean your windows correctly will determine the quality of illumination that you receive. Keeping the glass spotless can be quite a task since there are so many external influences that can decrease the integrity of your window.


Many factors can contribute to window streaking, such as dust, rainfall, sun exposure, and using too much window polish. Rainfall can mix with a host of minerals, particles, and other impurities on the window which streak up the glass when the rain dries. Wet glass also attracts dust, as do oily handprints from your kids and guests. Excess window cleaner leaves marks on the glass, too, especially when exposed to sunlight.

While polishing your windows with regular cleaning solution works, you may want to keep a bottle of wine handy during your next house-cleaning day, and we don't just mean for drinking.

White wine and water makes for a streak-free window cleaner

Every dutiful homeowner knows that wine is a must-have for cleaning day because how else would anything ever get done without a glass to get you in the tidying mood? However, when it comes to scrubbing down your windows, having some wine on standby would do more than just ease your thirst. Wine is very versatile and white wine, in particular, can be used to give your windows that streak-free finish you're looking for.


People commonly use vinegar to clean glass surfaces because of how well the acid melts away the impurities on it. Interestingly, aged white wine contains acids as well and, according to Wine Academy, can also be used as a substitute for a cleaning solution. The properties will ensure that your window stays devoid of marks.

The best way to make your own homemade window cleaner with white wine is by adding it to some water and spraying it onto your windows, per Expert Home Tips. You can then wipe the surface with a clean rag or towel. So, next time, don't go tossing out your old white wine; you may never have to buy Windex again.

